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Dependence, Independence and Interdependence - Life & Tennis Unite

Updated: Mar 10, 2020

Dependence, Independence, Interdependence - Tennis mirrors the Cycle of Life. As children we depend on our parents and schools to meet our basic needs and become educated. In our teens and through College, we learn to do things ourselves- live on our own. After that, we must learn to work and successfully interact with other members of society. In tennis, we depend on our coach to teach us the fundamentals of the game and how to play with proper technique. Once prepared for competition, we must apply these learnings on our own and take responsibility for all of our shots and actions on the court during matches. Finally, to compete at the higher levels, we must successfully assimilate with other skilled, intelligent and experienced players to maintain our personal integrity and perhaps gain the mental edge. At Performance Tennis Training, we strive to be 'Great People, Great Players,' and encourage each of our students, alike. We believe that perhaps the greatest advantage to becoming a great tennis player, is simultaneously accelerating the Cycle of Life & becoming a great person in the process ~ a la Roger Federer.

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